Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 11: Casa Aleluya

The days are getting harder and harder because in the back of my mind I know my time  here is coming to an end. I cant believe today is already Thursday and I have to say goodbye to these little angels tomorrow. I've been trying to make the most out of every day and today I focused on trying to keep the kids focused. I was really inspired after Carolina wanted to do math with me yesterday so I tried to engage the 3 year olds I work with to play some intellectual games- rather than just playing with dolls and running around. I found one of those box toys that have particular shaped holes and then only the corresponding shaped block fits in the hole. I tried it on Fernanda first because she seems to respond to me the most. It took a little while to engage her but soon enough she was putting those blocks away! I also successfully did the activity with Mildred, but none of the other kiddies wanted to play blocks lol. I cant blame them. They just go this awesome Bumblebee transformer toy! During outdoor playtime I took the opportunity to go hang out with some of the older kids at the orphanage with Melissa and Olivia(another volunteer). The older kids were mostly mesmerized by my phone and played Temple Run for about an hour! They did share very well though. There was one older girl (I forgot her name..oops) who continuously took pictures on Melissa's camera. I think it must have been nice for them to engage with technology because from what I've seen they don't have access to computers and other things. I am looking forward to tomorrow, but don't want to say goodbye! I plan on spending the rest of today looking for some workbooks to donate to the orphanage so the kids have some intellectual stimulation, other than coloring, when they want it.
Here are some pictures from today:
                                                               A new baby I met today
                                                Mildred with that box toy, just loving life haha
                                                     Finally coaxed a smile out of Fernanda!!

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